DCAD IGF 2025 Participation Support Grant Program Information


The Dynamic Coalition for Accessibility and Disability (DCAD) ensures that ICT accessibility is included in the key debates around Internet Governance in order to build a future where all sectors of the global community have equal access to the Information Society. DCAD is grateful to Vint Cerf and Google LLC for providing generous funding to facilitate the participation of persons with disabilities and disability advocates at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). DCAD used these funds to provide financial support for individuals, and/or a group of people from a digital hub.

DCAD IGF 2025 Grants


DCAD announces that grants will again be made available this year, and invites persons with disabilities or disability advocates to apply for grant funding to assist them to participate in IGF 2025. This support includes, but is not limited to, travel, accommodation, sign language interpretation, personal assistance, or costs related to participating remotely.


To be eligible for consideration participants must:

  • Be an IGF-DCAD Member (Check / Join)
  • Be already registered to attend IGF 2025 (Register here)
  • Have access to a bank account to allow for payment.
  • Demonstrate a disability-related background and/or a background in internet policy concerning disability
  • Have a clear disability-related purpose for participating in IGF 2025. This might include a list of relevant sessions to attend or participation as a chairperson, presenter or rapporteur

Please note that funds are limited and we may only be able to accommodate a small number of applicants.

Required after IGF 2025

After IGF2025 has completed, recipients must:

  • Provide receipts or related documentation for relevant expenditure
  • Submit a brief report on the benefits of participation
  • Publish a blog post about your experiences from the fellowship and what you learned

Making an Application

  • Complete the Application Form
  • Complete the form in English. One or two sentences will be sufficient to answer most questions. However, some will require more detail, preferably using bullet points
  • Please do not include bank details on this form. They will be requested later if required


As part of the application process, applicants must provide details of at least one reference who can speak to their experience, advocacy, and contributions in digital accessibility, disability rights, or internet governance. However, references will only be contacted for shortlisted applicants. It is the responsibility of the applicant to:

  • Inform their referees that they are being listed as a reference.
  • Ensure that the referees are available and willing to provide timely responses to any reference requests from the IGF-DCAD team.

Failure of referees to respond in a timely manner may affect the final selection process. Applicants are encouraged to choose referees who are familiar with their work and can provide meaningful insights into their suitability for the fellowship.

Key dates

  • Closing date for applications is 1500 UTC on 26 March 2025.. Applications received after this date and time will NOT be considered.
  • Successful applicants will be asked to provide details of a bank account
  • Successful recipients must acknowledge receipt of the grant as soon as practical once it has arrived in their bank account
  • Successful recipients must submit the receipts or documentation on how the funds were used and the report on the benefits of the grant by [DATE] 2025. If these are not submitted in a timely manner, the recipient will be ineligible for future funding under this grant scheme.


Q. Must I be a person with a disability to apply for the grant?
A. The grant is offered primarily to support persons with disabilities. However, disability advocates may also be considered.

Q. Are the funds only for supplementing broadband?
A. No. Other forms of support such as travel, accommodations, sign language, etc, may be considered. You will need to supply a description and an estimated cost for the funds requested.

Q. If I am selected, when will the funds arrive?
A. Recipients have to expend their own funds initially and will be reimbursed by DCAD upon receipt of their report and expenses after IGF 2025.

Q. Do I need to send receipts?
A. You are required to account for how the funds have been used. In the absence of formal receipts please send us a personal confirmation and description.

Q. If I am selected, is it possible for me to use someone else’s bank account?
A. Yes. You will need the account owner’s agreement to send us the account details, and this will be at your own risk.

Q. How much funding might I receive?
Funding will be based on merit and will depend on the number of applications and the needs expressed. Please note that charges from your receiving bank may reduce the amount of your grant. You are responsible for any such bank charges.

I still have questions! Who do I contact?

Feel free to reach out to info@igf-dcad.org with any further queries.